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Sacramento DUI Attorney

Have you been arrested for DUI? Hire a top-rated Sacramento DUI attorney from Goss Law and fight your drunk driving conviction.

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is regarded as a very serious crime in Sacramento County. However, if the increase in DUI cases is anything to go by, many people do not fully understand the consequences of a DUI conviction.

When one is faced with a DUI charge for drunk driving, it is best to find an experienced DUI defense attorney as soon as possible. However, with so many Sacramento DUI lawyers available, hiring the best DUI defense team is not always easy.


The attorney at Goss Law are experts in DUI law and have the track record to prove it! Anyone needing help with their DUI case should contact the Goss Law offices today and ask for a free consultation.

Highly Rated California Lawyer

Mr. Goss went above and beyond and did so at a great price. His legal prowess is razor-sharp, and his professionalism puts you at ease immediately. You’ll instantly know you have hired a cunning, litigating shark!

- Michael S.

The work done for me was excellent and very fast, I even had some additional questions 5 years later and Blair answered my questions. Safe to say I’m very happy with the service they provided me.

- Antonio G.

The Goss Law Firm is an exceptional law firm! They
were very knowledgeable in what my situation needed. Professional and straight forward. I can sleep at ease knowing Im in good hands.

- Jali D.

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Our trial representation is free if we don't get the resolution we agree on. This is how we guarantee the best results for all our clients.

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How Can a Sacramento DUI Lawyer Help?

When faced with such serious consequences, hiring an experienced Sacramento DUI attorney is the first thing that needs to be done soon after getting arrested for driving under the influence.

A Sacramento DUI lawyer can help with the following:

Get DUI Charges Dismissed

The best outcome for anyone arrested for a DUI would be for experienced Sacramento lawyers to walk in and have all the charges for driving under the influence dropped. It may seem farfetched considering the severity of the DUI charges but it happens more often than people realize.


Not all DUI arrests end up being heard in a Sacramento court facing a jury trial, let alone resulting in a license suspension or any other DUI punishment. Most DUI cases can be avoided altogether with a good Sacramento DUI attorney fighting the case.

Get a Better Plea Bargain

A huge part of the work done by a DUI defense attorney has to do with negotiating a better deal for their client.

In many DUI cases, the drivers make the mistake of accepting the first plea deal offered by the prosecutor.

However, more often than not, this is far from the best deal that could have been agreed upon if only a good criminal defense attorney was on hand. With good negotiating skills, a DUI attorney can get their client off with nothing more than a DMV hearing.

Avoid Maximum Penalties and a Criminal Record

In cases where the evidence against the driver is overwhelming, the DUI charge is not the first offense, or other misdemeanors are making the charge a lot worse than a DUI, it may be necessary to admit guilt and negotiate a lenient sentencing.

Rather than face jail time and the removal of driving privileges, a DUI lawyer can ask for alternative sentencing, such as community services and paying a fine.

Possible DUI Defense Strategies

How does a DUI defense lawyer get a district attorney to allow a driver arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol way above the legal limit to walk out without severe consequences? It requires a lot of experience and knowledge of Sacramento County DUI law.

The following are just a few of the many strategies that a law firm can employ to defend their client facing a tough DUI charge:

  • Questioning whether the accused was the one driving the vehicle

  • Look at whether the arresting officers followed the proper procedure

  • Discredit the results and testing procedures of the field sobriety test and blood alcohol lab tests

  • Show that the client was not above the legal limit

A Felony Dui Arrest Is Serious!

Depending on the severity of the drunk driving charges, a defendant can be charged with a DUI felony or a misdemeanor DUI. In either case, Sacramento DUI laws can be very hard on a convicted driver.

Drivers that lose DUI cases face very serious consequences, such as:

  • Having their driver's license revoked

  • Getting an ignition interlock device installed on their vehicle

  • Having to submit to regular field sobriety tests and mandatory blood alcohol concentration tests

  • Paying heavy fines

  • Ordered to do community service

  • Mandatory alcohol addiction treatment sessions

  • Many years behind bars, especially if it is not a first DUI conviction

  • Having the DUI arrest, charge, and subsequent conviction placed on record

Choosing an Experienced DUI Attorney

There are lots of benefits to choosing a good DUI lawyer. Otherwise, everyone would simply settle for a public defender. By putting the DUI case in the right hands, the chances of winning the case will go up drastically.


Drivers facing drinking and driving charges should consider the following when choosing the right law office to approach:

In-depth Knowledge of DUI Law

On its own, a DUI charge in Sacramento, CA, can be very complicated and difficult for someone to manage without being knowledgeable about how the court system works in California.

However, to make matters worse, DUI charges are often complicated by a variety of factors, such as:

  • Endangering a minor

  • Being intoxicated with other drugs as well as alcohol

  • Reckless driving

  • Previous DUI or other misdemeanor convictions

In such cases, the law will become impossible for anyone but a highly knowledgeable lawyer to hope to come out with a favorable ruling.

Experience Arguing DUI Offenses

A good attorney needs to have successfully handled other driving under the influence cases before so that they can be prepared for anything that the prosecutors may throw at them.

The Right Sacramento DUI Attorney Is Always Available

Nothing is worse than a lawyer who is always too busy for their client. If a driver wants the best chance of winning their DUI case, they need an attorney who can make enough time to dedicate enough time towards the case.

Free Consultation and Fair Prices

The offer of free consultations is one that every reputable law firm is known for. There is no need for a defendant to pay anything just to be allowed to sit down and discuss their case.

When the time to pay finally comes, the prices need to be fair and in line with the scope of the job the lawyer had to do to win the case.

Arrested for a DUI in Sacramento, CA? Call Goss Law!

If one has been arrested for a DUI offense it is best to call Goss Law and ask for a free consultation. With the right representation, there is a big chance of winning a DUI case or at least getting the charges reduced.

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